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這裡是來自 GitHub 項目 https://github.com/lzwjava/algorithm-solutions 的 README.md。



平台 已解決問題數  
UVa 568  
Codeforces 419  
LeetCode 20  
Hacker Rank 20(SQL)  
語言 代碼行數
Java 70851
C++ 3214
Python 1193
SQL 101

此項目包含來自 Codeforces、HackerRank、LeetCode、Lintcode、Nowcoder 和 UVa 等平台的各種算法問題解答。每個解答按問題編號分類,並包含源代碼、輸入檔案,以及偶爾的附加文件。



codeforces 目錄中的每個子目錄以問題編號命名,並包含以下內容:


hacker_rank 目錄中包含各種問題的 SQL 檔案。每個檔案以其解答的問題命名。


leetcode 目錄中包含不同問題的 Python 腳本。檔案名稱以解答的問題命名,例如 two_sum.pyvalid_parentheses.py


lintcode 目錄中的每個子目錄以問題編號命名,並包含以下內容:


nowcoder 目錄中的每個子目錄以問題編號命名,並包含以下內容:


已解決: 568, 投交: 1776

Q1 Q2 Q3
100: The 3n + 1 Problem 101: The Blocks Problem 102: Ecological Bin Packing
103: Stacking Boxes 104: Arbitrage 105: The Skyline Problem
106: Fermat’s Last Theorem 107: The Cat in the Hat 108: Maximum Sum
110: Meta-Loopless Sorts 111: History Grading 112: Tree Summing
113: Power of Cryptography 116: Unidirectional TSP 118: Mutant Flatworld Explorers
119: Greedy Gift Givers 120: Stacks of Flapjacks 122: Trees on the Level
123: Searching Quickly 124: Following Orders 127: “Accordian” Patience
128: Software CRC 129: Krypton Factor 131: The Domino Effect
133: The Dole Queue 136: Ugly Numbers 138: Street Numbers
140: Bandwidth 146: ID Codes 147: Dollars
151: Power Crisis 152: Tree’s a Crowd 156: Ananagrams
160: Factors and Factorials 167: The Sultan’s Successors 185: Roman Numerals
190: Circle Through Three Points 193: Graph Coloring 195: Anagram
196: Spreadsheet 197: Orbiting Satellites 200: Rare Order
201: Squares 202: Repeating Decimals 208: Firetruck
210: Determining Periods 211: The Domino Effect 213: Message Decoding
216: Getting in Line 221: Partitioning Polygon 225: Golomb Rulers
227: Puzzle 230: Borrowers 231: Testing the CATCHER
247: Calling Circles 253: Cube painting 256: Quirksome Squares
260: Il Gioco dell’X 264: Count on Cantor 272: TEX Quotes
278: Chess 280: Vertex 291: The House Of Santa Claus
294: Divisors 297: Quadtrees 299: Train Swapping
301: Transportation 305: Joseph 307: Sticks
315: Network 317: Power Transmission 324: Factorial Frequencies
327: Evaluating Simple C Expressions 331: Mapping the Swaps 336: A Node Too Far
340: Master-Mind Hints 343: What Base Is This? 344: Roman Digititis
348: Optimal Array Multiplication Sequence 350: Pseudo-Random Numbers 352: The Seasonal War
353: Pesky Palindromes 357: Let Me Count The Ways 369: Combinations
371: Ackermann Functions 374: Big Mod 375: Inscribed Circles and Isosceles Triangles
378: Intersecting Lines 382: Perfection 386: Perfect Cubes
387: Repeated Substitution with Sed 389: Basically Speaking 392: Polynomial Showdown
400: Unix ls 401: Palindromes 406: Prime Cuts
408: Uniform Generator 409: Excuses, Excuses! 412: Pi
414: Machined Surfaces 417: Word Index 424: Integer Inquiry
429: Word Transformation 437: The Tower of Babylon 438: The Circumference of the Circle
439: Knight Moves 440: Eeny Meeny Moo 441: Lotto
442: Matrix Chain Multiplication 443: Humble Numbers 444: Encoder and Decoder
445: Marvelous Mazes 446: Kibbles n' Bits n’ Bits `n’ Bits 455: Periodic Strings
457: Linear Cellular Automata 458: The Decoder 459: Graph Connectivity
465: Overflow 469: Wetlands of Florida 476: Points in Figures: Rectangles
477: Points in Figures: Rectangles and Circles 478: Points in Figures: Rectangles, Circles, Triangles 481: What Goes Up
482: Permutation Arrays 483: Word Scramble 484: The Department of Redundancy Department
488: Triangle Wave 489: Hangman Judge 490: Rotating Sentences
492: Pig-Latin 494: Kindergarten Counting Game 495: Fibonacci Freeze
496: Simply Subsets 497: Strategic Defense Initiative 499: What’s The Frequency, Kenneth?
507: Jill Rides Again 509: Just the Facts 512: Taiwan Railway
514: Rails 524: Prime Ring Problem 530: Binomial Showdown
531: Compromise 532: Dungeon Master 534: Frogger
536: Tree Recovery 537: Railroads 539: The Settlers of Catan
540: Team Queue 541: Error Correction 543: Goldbach’s Conjecture
544: Heavy Cargo 548: Tree 550: Multiplying by Rotation
558: Wormholes 562: Dividing coins 567: Risk
568: Just the Facts 572: Oil Deposits 573: The Snail
574: Sum It Up 575: Skew Binary 576: Haiku Review
579: Clock Hands 583: Prime Factors 591: Box of Bricks
594: One Little, Two Little, Three Little Endians 612: DNA Sorting 621: Secret Research
623: 500! 624: CD 637: Booklet Printing
639: Don’t Get Rooked 640: Self Numbers 644: Immediate Decodability
657: The die is cast 661: Blowing Fuses 673: Parentheses Balance
674: Coin Change 679: Dropping Balls 686: Goldbach’s Conjecture (II)
694: The Collatz Sequence 696: How Many Knights 699: The Falling Leaves
705: Slash Maze 706: LC-Display 712: S-Trees
713: Adding Reversed Numbers 714: Copying Books 725: Division
727: Equation 729: The Hamming Distance Problem 748: Exponentiation
750: 8 Queens Chess Problem 755: 487–3279 784: Maze Exploration
793: Network Connections 796: Critical Links 815: Flooded!
818: Job Matching 820: Internet Bandwidth 821: Page Hopping
834: Continued Fractions 836: Largest Submatrix 839: Not so Mobile
846: Steps 847: A Multiplication Game 900: Brick Wall Patterns
913: Joana and the Odd Numbers 924: Spreading The News 929: Number Maze
948: Fibonaccimal Base 993: Product of digits 1124: Celebrity jeopardy
1149: Dangerous Dive 1152: 4 Values whose Sum is 0 1203: Argus
1225: Digit Counting 1230: MODEX 1237: Expert Enough?
1260: Sales 1339: Ancient Cipher 1368: DNA Consensus String
1374: Power Transmission 1451: Ghostbusters 2 1471: Dangerous Dive
1583: Digital Roots 1584: Mathematics 1585: Score
1586: Molar Mass 1587: Box 1588: War
1589: Partitioning 1590: Elevator 1592: Transmission
1593: Pipes 1594: Diamond 1595: One Liner
1604: Jumping Champion 1605: Fibonacci Sum 1606: Candy
1607: Kaprekar Numbers 1608: Random Walk 1609: Look-and-say sequence
10000: Longest Paths 10003: Cutting Sticks 10004: Bicoloring
10006: Carmichael Numbers 10008: What’s Cryptanalysis? 10010: Where’s Waldorf?
10012: How Big Is It? 10013: Super long sums 10014: Simple Base Conversion
10018: Reverse and Add 10019: Funny Encryption Method 10025: The Game of MasterMind
10026: Shoemaker’s Problem 10033: Billiard 10034: Freckles
10035: Primary Arithmetic 10036: Divisibility 10038: Jolly Jumpers
10041: Vito’s Family 10042: Smith Numbers 10047: The Monocycle
10048: Audiophobia 10050: Hartals 10054: The Necklace
10055: Hashmat the Brave Warrior 10056: What is the Probability? 10061: How to solve the cryptarithm?
10062: Tell me the frequencies! 10066: The Twin Towers 10067: Playing with Wheels
10070: Leap Year or Not Leap Year and … 10071: Back to High School Physics 10074: Take the Land
10077: The Stern-Brocot Number System 10079: Pizza Cutting 10082: WERTYU
10098: Generating Fast 10099: The Tourist Guide 10101: Bangla Numbers
10102: The path in the colored field 10104: Euclid Problem 10105: Polynomial Coefficients
10106: Product 10107: What is the Median? 10110: Light, more light
10112: Myacron Lifetime Achievement Award 10114: Loansome Car Buyer 10115: Automatic Editing
10116: Robot Motion 10123: Snowball Fight! 10125: Sumsets
10127: On a Diet 10129: Play on Words 10130: SuperSale
10131: Is Bigger Smarter? 10137: The Trip 10139: Factovisors
10140: Prime Distance 10141: Request for Proposal 10152: ShellSort
10160: Servicing Stations 10161: Ant on a Chessboard 10167: Birthday Cake
10168: Summation of Four Primes 10170: The Hotel with Infinite Rooms 10177: Magic Square Palindromes
10179: Irreducible Basic Fractions 10183: How many Fibs? 10189: Minesweeper
10190: Divide, But Not Quite Conquer! 10191: Longest Nap 10192: Vacation
10193: All You Need Is Love 10194: Football (aka Soccer) 10195: The Knights Of The Round Table
10198: Counting 10199: Tourist Guide 10205: Stack ‘em Up
10209: Is This Integration? 10219: Find the ways! 10220: I Love Big Numbers!
10221: Two-Three Move 10222: Decode the Message 10226: Hardwood Species
10229: Modular Fibonacci 10235: Simply Emirp 10242: Fourth Point !!
10245: The Closest Pair Problem 10250: The Other Two Trees 10252: Common Permutation
10258: Contest Scoreboard 10260: Soundex 10267: Graphical Editor
10276: Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! 10281: Average Speed 10282: Babelfish
10285: Longest Run on a Snowboard 10286: Trouble with a Pentagon 10295: Hay Points
10298: Power Strings 10299: Relatives 10300: Ecological Premium
10302: Summation of Polynomials 10305: Ordering Tasks 10310: Dog and Gopher
10323: Factorial! You Must be Kidding!!! 10324: Zeros and Ones 10327: Flip Sort
10334: Ray Through Glasses 10336: Rank the Languages 10338: Mischievous Children
10340: All in All 10341: Solve It 10344: 23 out of 5
10346: Peter’s Smokes 10347: Medians 10361: Automatic Poetry
10369: Arctic Network 10370: Above Average 10387: Billiard Balls
10391: Compound Words 10392: Factoring Large Numbers 10394: Twin Primes
10397: Connect the Campus 10405: Longest Common Subsequence 10409: Die Game
10420: List of Conquests 10424: Love Calculator 10432: Warehouse
10450: World Cup Noise 10452: Marcus 10465: Homer Simpson
10469: To Carry or not to Carry 10473: Climbing Trees 10474: The Candyman Can
10487: Closest Sums 10494: If We Were a Child Again 10496: Collecting Beepers
10499: Big Big Real Numbers 10515: Power Sum 10523: Very Easy !!!
10530: Guessing Game 10533: Digit Primes 10534: Wavio Sequence
10550: Combination Lock 10557: XYZZY 10562: Undraw the Trees
10579: Fibonacci Numbers 10583: Ubiquitous Religions 10591: Happy Numbers
10596: Deep Down Below 10600: ACM Contest and Blackout 10603: The Experimental Library
10608: Friends 10611: The Playboy Chimp 10616: Divisible Group Sums
10653: Bombs! NO they are Mines!! 10656: Maximum Sum (II) 10664: Luggage
10673: Play with Floor and Ceil 10679: I Love Strings!! 10684: The jackpot
10696: f91 10699: Count the factors 10703: Free spots
10719: Quirky Quantifiers 10763: Foreign Exchange 10773: Back to Intermediate Math
10783: Odd Sum 10784: Diagonal 10785: Speed limit
10789: Primo Words 10790: How many points of intersection? 10810: Ultra-QuickSort
10812: Beat the Spread! 10815: Andy’s First Dictionary 10878: Decode the tape
10879: Maximum Sum (II) 10905: Children’s Game 10911: Forming Quiz Teams
10916: Factstone Benchmark 10921: Find the Telephone 10922: 2520
10924: Simple Minded Hashing 10929: You can say 11 10931: Parity
10935: Throwing cards away I 10940: Throwing cards away II 10943: How do you add?
10945: Mother bear 10948: The primary problem 10954: Add All
10963: The Swallowing Ground 10970: Big Chocolate 10976: Fractions Again?!
10986: Sending email 11000: Bee 11044: Searching for Nessy
11054: Wine trading in Gergovia 11057: Exact Sum 11059: Maximum Product
11060: Beverages 11085: Back to the 8-Queens 11093: Just Finish it up
11094: Continents 11111: Generalized Matrioshkas 11134: Fabled Rooks
11137: Triple Fat Ladies 11150: Cola 11151: Longest Palindrome
11152: Colourful Flowers 11172: Relational Operator 11185: Ternary
11192: No Problem! 11205: The broken pedometer 11212: Editing a Book
11214: Aladdin and the Flying Carpet 11219: How Old Are You? 11231: Black and white painting
11234: Expressions 11235: Frequent Values 11244: Counting Stars
11286: Conformity 11292: Dragon of Loowater 11332: Summing Digits
11340: Newspaper 11349: Symmetric Matrix 11362: Phone List
11364: Parking 11369: Shopaholic 11388: GCD LCM
11389: The Bus Driver Problem 11417: GCD 11428: Cubes
11450: Wedding Shopping 11455: Behold my quadrangle 11461: Square Numbers
11462: Age Sort 11479: Is this the easiest problem? 11494: Queen
11498: Division of Nlogonia 11503: Virtual Friends 11504: Dominos
11530: SMS Typing 11541: Decoding 11547: Automatic Answer
11559: Event Planning 11565: Simple Equations 11572: Unique Snowflakes
11577: Letter Frequency 11586: Train Tracks 11608: No Problem!
11614: Etruscan Warriors Never Play Chess 11624: Fire! 11631: Dark roads
11636: Hello World! 11650: Mirror Clock 11661: Airport
11677: Alarm Clock 11679: Sub-prime 11689: Soda Surpler
11713: Abstract Names 11715: Car 11716: Digital Fortress
11723: Numbering Roads 11727: Cost Cutting 11729: Commando War
11734: Big Number of Teams will Solve This 11743: Credit Check 11764: Jumping Mario
11777: Automate the Grades 11799: Horror Dash 11805: Bafana Bafana
11809: Floating Point Numbers 11827: Maximum GCD 11831: Sticker Collector Robot
11849: CD 11854: Egypt 11875: Brick Game
11877: The Coco-Cola Store 11879: Multiple of 17 11900: Boiled Eggs
11933: Splitting Numbers 11934: Magic Formula 11936: The Lazy Lumberjacks
11942: Lumberjack Sequencing 11953: Battleships 11984: A Change in Thermal Unit
11988: Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text) 11991: Easy Problem from Rujia Liu? 11995: I Can Guess the Data Structure!
12015: Google is Feeling Lucky 12032: The Monkey and the Oiled Bamboo 12096: The SetStack Computer
12100: Printer Queue 12107: One-Two-Three 12108: Extraordinarily Tired Students
12113: Sum of Different Primes 12149: Feynman 12157: Tariff Plan
12174: Assemble 12219: Searching Quickly 12250: Language Detection
12279: Emoogle Balance 12289: One-Two-Three 12325: Exact Change
12333: Where is the Marble? 12372: Packing for Holiday 12403: Save Setu
12405: Scarecrow 12412: A Problem of Miscommunication 12455: Bars
12468: Zapping 12478: Hardest Problem Ever (easy) 12502: Three Families
12503: Robot Instructions 12504: Updating a Dictionary 12545: Bits and Pieces
12554: A Child’s Play 12558: Cycle Finding 12569: Sale
12577: Hajj-e-Akbar 12578: 10:6:2 12627: Error Correction
12646: Majority Decision 12657: Boxes in a Line  


Q1 Q2 Q3
1003A: Polycarp’s Pockets 1030A: In Search of an Easy Problem 1077A: Frog Jumping
1092B: Teams Forming 1095A: Repeating Cipher 1097A: Gennady and a Card Game
110A: Nearly Lucky Number 112A: Petya and Strings 1154A: Restoring Three Numbers
115A: Party 116A: Tram 1183A: Nearest Interesting Number
1186A: Vus the Cossack and a Contest 118A: String Task 1196A: Three Piles of Candies
119A: Epic Game 1206B: Make Product Equal One 1220A: Cards
122A: Lucky Division 1234A: Equalize Prices Again 124A: The Number of Positions
1256A: Payment Without Change 1283A: Minutes Before the New Year 1285A: Mezo Playing Zoma
1294A: Collecting Coins 1294C: Product of Three Numbers 1296A: Array with Odd Sum
1296B: Food Buying 1303A: Erasing Zeroes 1304A: Two Rabbits
1311A: Add Odd or Subtract Even 1312A: Two Regular Polygons 131A: cAPS lOCK
1324A: Yet Another Tetris Problem 1324B: Yet Another Palindrome Problem 1324C: Frog Jumps
1325A: EhAb AnD gCd 1325B: CopyCopyCopyCopyCopy 1326A: Bad Ugly Numbers
1326B: Maximums 1327A: Sum of Odd Integers 1328A: Divisibility Problem
1328B: K-th Beautiful String 1328C: Ternary XOR 1333A: Little Artem
1334B: Middle Class 1335A: Candies and Two Sisters 1335B: Fair Division
1335C: Hidden Word 1335D: Anti-Sudoku 1337A: Ichihime and Triangle
1337B: Kana and Dragon Quest game 1339A: Filling Diamonds 1339B: Sorted Adjacent Differences
133A: HQ9+ 1341A: Nastya and Rice 1342A: Road To Zero
1342B: Binary Period 1343A: Candies 1343B: Balanced Array
1343C: Alternating Subsequence 1345A: Hilbert’s Hotel 1345B: Card Constructions
1348A: Phoenix and Balance 1350A: Orac and Factors 1352A: Sum of Round Numbers
1352B: Same Parity Summands 1352C: K-th Not Divisible by n 1353A: Most Unstable Array
1353B: Number of Apartments 1353C: Board Moves 1354A: Alarm Clock
1354B: Ternary String 1355A: Sequence with Digits 1355B: Young Explorers
1358A: Park Lighting 1358B: Maria Breaks the Self-isolation 1359A: Berland Poker
1359B: New Theatre Square 1360A: Minimal Square 1360B: Honest Coach
1360C: Similar Pairs 1360D: Buying Shovels 1363A: Odd Selection
1365A: Matrix Game 1365B: Trouble Sort 1366A: Shovels and Swords
1367A: Short Substrings 1367B: Even Array 1368A: C+=
1369A: FashionabLee 1369B: AccurateLee 136A: Presents
1370A: Maximum GCD 1371A: Magical Sticks 1372A: Omkar and Password
1372B: Omkar and Last Class of Math 1373A: Donut Shops 1373B: Balanced Tunnel
1374A: Required Remainder 1374B: Multiply by 2, divide by 6 1374C: Move Brackets
1382A: Common Subsequence 1382B: Sequential Nim 1385A: Three Pairwise Maximums
1385B: Restore the Permutation by Merger 1385C: Make It Good 1388A: Captain Flint and Crew Recruitment
1389A: LCM Problem 1391A: Suborray 1391B: Fix You
1397A: Juggling Letters 1398A: Bad Triangle 1398B: Substrings Sort
1399A: Remove Smallest 1399B: Gifts Fixing 1399C: Boats Competition
1400A: String Similarity 1401A: Distance and Axis 1409A: Yet Another Two Integers Problem
1409B: Minimum Product 141A: Amusing Joke 1426A: Floor Number
1433A: Boring Apartments 1433B: Yet Another Bookshelf 1433C: Dominant Piranha
1436A: Reorder 144A: Arrival of the General 1451A: Subtract or Divide
1454A: Special Permutation 1454B: Unique Bid Auction 1455A: Strange Functions
1462A: Favorite Sequence 1462B: Last Year’s Substring 1462C: Unique Number
1466A: Bovine Dilemma 1467A: Wizard of Orz 1469A: Regular Bracket Sequence
1472A: Cards for Friends 1472B: Fair Division 1472C: Long Jumps
1473A: Replacing Elements 1473B: String LCM 1474A: Puzzle From the Future
1475A: Odd Divisor 1475B: New Year’s Number 1476A: K-divisible Sum
1478A: Nezzar and Colorful Balls 1480A: Yet Another String Game 1481A: Space Navigation
1486A: Shifting Stacks 1487A: Arena 148A: Insomnia cure
1490A: Dense Array 1490B: Balanced Remainders 1490C: Sum of Cubes
1497A: Meximization 149A: Business trip 1506A: Strange Table
1509A: Average Height 1512A: Spy Detected! 1512B: Almost Rectangle
1514A: Perfectly Imperfect Array 1516A: Tit for Tat 1517A: Sum of 2050
1519A: Red and Blue Beans 1519B: The Cake Is a Lie 151A: Soft Drinking
1520A: Do Not Be Distracted! 1520B: Ordinary Numbers 1520C: Not Adjacent Matrix
1520D: Same Differences 1521A: Spy Syndrome 2 1525A: Potion-making
1526A: Mean Inequality 1527A: And Then There Were K 1529A: In Game Theory
1535A: Fair Playoff 1535B: Array Reodering 1537A: Arithmetic Array
1537B: Bad Boy 1538A: Stone Game 1538B: Friends and Gifts
1541A: Pretty Permutations 1542A: Odd Set 1547A: Shortest Path with Obstacle
1547B: Alphabetical Strings 1549A: Gregor and the Pawn Game 1550A: Find The Array
1551A: Polycarp and Coins 1551B1: Wonderful Coloring - 1 1552A: Subsequence Addition
1553A: Digits Sum 1554A: Cherry 1555A: PizzaForces
1557A: Ezzat and Two Subsequences 155A: I_love_%username% 1560A: Dislike of Threes
1560B: Who’s Opposite? 1560C: Infinity Table 1562A: The Great Hero
1567A: Domino Disaster 1569A: The Raising Sand 1579A: Casimir’s String Solitaire
1582A: Luntik and Concerts 1582B: Luntik and Subsequences 1582C: Luntik and Subsequences
1585A: Pretty Permutations 1585B: Find The Array 1585C: Wonderful Coloring - 1
158A: Next Round 158B: Taxi 1593A: Casimir’s String Solitaire
1607A: Dislike of Threes 1608A: Luntik and Concerts 1608B: Luntik and Subsequences
1609A: Domino Disaster 1609B: Infinity Table 1609C: The Great Hero
160A: Luntik and Subsequences 1610A: Pretty Permutations 1610B: Find The Array
1610C: Wonderful Coloring - 1 1611A: Next Round 1612A: Taxi
1612B: Casimir’s String Solitaire 1612C: Dislike of Threes 1613A: Luntik and Concerts
1613B: Luntik and Subsequences 1613C: Domino Disaster 1614A: Infinity Table
1614B: The Great Hero 1614C: Luntik and Subsequences 1615A: Pretty Permutations
1615B: Find The Array 1615C: Wonderful Coloring - 1 1616A: Next Round
1616B: Taxi 1616C: Casimir’s String Solitaire 1617A: Dislike of Threes
1617B: Luntik and Concerts 1617C: Luntik and Subsequences 1618A: Domino Disaster
1618B: Infinity Table 1618C: The Great Hero 1618D: Luntik and Subsequences
1619A: Pretty Permutations 1619B: Find The Array 1619C: Wonderful Coloring - 1
1620A: Next Round 1620B: Taxi 1620C: Casimir’s String Solitaire
1621A: Dislike of Threes 1621B: Luntik and Concerts 1622A: Luntik and Subsequences
1622B: Domino Disaster 1622C: Infinity Table 1623A: The Great Hero
1623B: Luntik and Subsequences 1623C:  

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