Using Awesome-CV to Generate a Professional Résumé

Home PDF


Before using ZhiyeApp, I switched to the powerful and customizable Awesome-CV. This LaTeX-based template makes creating professional résumés easy and highly customizable.

Why Awesome-CV?

My Résumé Example

Here is a simplified version of the resume.tex file I use:

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{awesome-cv}

% Page margins and section highlights
\geometry{left=1.4cm, top=.8cm, right=1.4cm, bottom=1.8cm, footskip=.5cm}

\position{Full Stack Engineer{\enskip\cdotp\enskip}Backend Engineer}
\address{Guangzhou, China}
\mobile{(+86) 132-6163-0925}
\quote{``Freedom Truth"}


% Header and Footer
\makecvfooter{\today}{Zhiwei Li~~~·~~~Résumé}{\thepage}

% Content Sections


Makefile for Automation

To automate the PDF generation process, I use the following Makefile:

.PHONY: awesome-cv

CC = xelatex
EXAMPLES_DIR = awesome-cv
RESUME_DIR = awesome-cv/resume
RESUME_ZH_DIR = awesome-cv/resume-zh
RESUME_SRCS = $(shell find $(RESUME_DIR) -name '*.tex')
RESUME_ZH_SRCS = $(shell find $(RESUME_ZH_DIR) -name '*.tex')

awesome-cv: $(foreach x, coverletter resume-zh resume, $x.pdf)

resume.pdf: $(EXAMPLES_DIR)/resume.tex $(RESUME_SRCS)
	$(CC) -output-directory=$(EXAMPLES_DIR) $<

resume-zh.pdf: $(EXAMPLES_DIR)/resume-zh.tex $(RESUME_ZH_SRCS)
	$(CC) -output-directory=$(EXAMPLES_DIR) $<

coverletter.pdf: $(EXAMPLES_DIR)/coverletter.tex
	$(CC) -output-directory=$(EXAMPLES_DIR) $<

	rm -rf $(EXAMPLES_DIR)/*.pdf

How It Works

  1. Generate PDFs:
    • Run make awesome-cv to generate the following PDF files:
      • resume.pdf: English résumé
      • resume-zh.pdf: Chinese résumé
      • coverletter.pdf: Cover letter
  2. Clean Up:
    • Run make clean to remove all generated PDF files.


By leveraging Awesome-CV and this Makefile setup, generating and maintaining professional résumés becomes effortless. Whether you’re applying for technical roles or sharing your achievements, Awesome-CV helps you present your work beautifully and efficiently.

Check out the Awesome-CV repository for more details: Awesome-CV on GitHub.

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