My Creative Ideas


If you want to write a long essay and not a boring one, how do you make it? As I am learning English writing now, I can’t express a lot of topics fluently. So my way is to write an article about my creative ideas. It is not boring to me as they are my new ideas and I like to share them. It is not boring to readers as they are somehow creative. Because I am a lazy person and lack of patience to write boring stuff. And I have the habit of accumulating my ideas in the app Microsoft To Do. I write shortly there, so here, I select some ideas and explain a bit. Let’s begin.

How to write long essays

One of the keys to writing long essays is to share what you want to say. Just like sharing with your friends. Share something new and interesting things. We don’t talk about the boring stuff again and again. But we do want to talk about new things.

However, in my previous essays, I at most write around 1000 words in an essay. Then I gave up and publish it. So the trick is to suppress my urge to publish. And write a few paragraphs when having a good mood and write it for a whole week. Just like listening to English lectures to learn English. Don’t push yourself and make everything happens smoothly.

You can see that it is not only the recipe to write long essays. It is a recipe to do a tedious task. It is a recipe to achieve something great.

How to change the working language of a company

Nowadays, many Chinese technology companies go overseas to earn global money. There are reasons for companies to change the working language. It is better to communicate with end customers and users. It is better to understand what they need. However, it probably is one of the biggest challenges for these companies.

I spent one year to be able to use English to work fluently in a global company. Indian and Singaporean colleagues helped me and had the patience to repeat several times to let me understand. I learned English hard after getting off work. And how you can help your employees to do so. It’s the job of universities or English training centers.

I think the first approachable way is that make everywhere full of English. We provide bilingual offer letters and anniversary celebration words. We provide bilingual contracts and an office automation system. We let every internal tool support English too. Though it is hard to require employees to write English documents, however, in those tools and formal documents, we just need to write the English version once.

Then after a year, for some easy tools or documents, we remove the Chinese version and just provide the English version. So just step by step, let English float around the company.

In the meantime, we can begin to open a development center for foreign companies. For example, in Singapore, we hire some people who are from local, India or Vietnam. Let every team have English-only speakers. So in the meetings, we have to discuss in English.

I believe in this way, just need 2 or 3 years to change the working language of a company regardless of the company size. At least for the development apartment, engineers are eager to learn.

AutoGPT - Automatically do your computer work

I am thinking about AutoGPT. GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is like ChatGPT. However, it trains based on the input of program interaction. You can input like so, please help me compress this image to 3 copies, one is without loss of quality, one is good to share on the Internet, one is to make the file size as small as possible with a few loss of quality. Then after 5 seconds, you get what you want.

You can order like so, please help me generate a website project. We use the JDK and Spring Boot frameworks. It has a simple home page. Then after 5 seconds, you get a directory that contains the needed code files.

It sounds amazing? How can we make AutoGPT like this? I think we should use data during the program interaction. We should record the keyboard, touchpad, and mousepad input. And we should record the click, text input event. Just like Tesla company uses its users’ cars to train the auto driving algorithm, some companies should develop some open-source software to use our computers to train the auto operating algorithm.

Nowadays, I can get many useful answers from ChatGPT. However, I still need to click here and there and input some codes and texts to do my job. I hope all these can be done by it. So I propose the idea of AutoGPT - automatically do your computer work.

Mask Microphone - Don’t disturb housemates when in meetings

When I work in a global company, I need to join a lot of online meetings. My housemates too. They are not my direct colleagues. They work in other apartments. They sometimes warn me that my voice is too loud. However, If I need to go outside the meeting room every time, it is very inconvenient.

I think if we can make mask microphones, it will help a lot in these situations. So I can wear a mask microphone, so my voice will not spread to nearby seats. As its name implies, this kind of microphone looks like a mask, the typical N95 mask.

When you search the similar products online, you can find that there are already some tools that can help with this. They are designed to help people sing songs loudly. It is like a big cup. However, you need to use your hands to hold it on. If we use it in the meetings, we will find it has some disadvantages.

It is a really big market for this tool. If not, why do people spend extra money to build or rent meeting rooms? Also because online meetings and online collaboration just become popular in recent few years, the market isn’t prepared well.

TikTok Podcast - Short Podcasts

I am both a fan of TikTok and Podcast. So one day, an idea came into my mind – could we combine these two products into one. The typical podcast episode is an hour long. It is too long. Could we have short episodes and the app will automatically recommend our favorite ones to us?

Though there are already a ton of podcast channels, however sometimes I still feel bored after listening to my favorite channel for too long. People lack the patience to watch long videos. So the short videos become viral. People become much more patient to listen to podcasts.

When I listen to podcasts, I never think that I need to finish them. I don’t have finishing anxiety. I don’t know whether it is because the reason I listen to them is that I hope I can learn English better this way. I just want to have some English materials to listen to whenever I am awake. So I become very patient when listening to them. I even listen to one episode again and again, even for a whole week.

Things become very interesting here. When I am watching movies, I am anxious to finish them quickly. Because after finishing it, I can mark this movie as watched in the Douban app. It reminds me of a famous quote, you get what you measure.

Let’s come back to our topic. When you listen to 60 1-minute length episodes, you get various kinds of information instead of just one topic. However, we should play every short episode once or we should repeat it again and again until we use some mechanism to tell it to play next. In the TikTok app, you can use your finger to swipe to control. However, in the audio app, we may better use our voice to control it.

One thing we don’t do that is in 15 seconds short video, we can express a lot. However, in one-minute audio, we can’t express a lot. I suspect this kind of reason. The format of the content is important. The short videos app was such a surprise when it come out. I believe that the short podcasts app was not a bad idea.

The Programmable Electric Oven

One of the things that make the software more interesting than software is more flexible. You can change the software to do whatever you want. However, hardware is not. The hardware is pretty fixed. Regarding the electric oven, sometimes I want it to work just like software.

For example, I want to cook meat and sausage at the same time. These two kinds of food need different temperatures and times. Meat normally needs 25 minutes of 200 Celsius degrees cooking. Sausage needs 8 minutes of 180 Celsius degrees cooking. If the electric oven is programmable, how can we heat these two ingredients at the same time? One thing I think is that let us use two plates to hold two ingredients. Let the top plate hold the meat, and let the bottom plate hold the sausage. And let the top tube heat for 25 minutes at 200 Celsius degrees. And let the bottom tube heat for 3 minutes at 180 Celsius degrees cooking.

And sometimes, we want the top tube to be heated for 10 minutes at 100 Celsius degrees, and then for 10 minutes at 200 Celsius degrees.

If the electric oven is just like the mobile phone, we can write programs to control it, then people surely can invent many applications to use it thoroughly. If it is programmable, so it works like a mobile phone. Then we can do more interesting things. For example, it can open the door by code. So it can cool down after finishing the heating. Maybe we can put a lot of ingredients, like meat, beef balls, chicken wings, hot dogs, and dried squids all into the oven, and separate it with 3 plates, and we use our dedicated program to control the heat level and time. And after 1 hour, all food is ready and cooled down a bit, so we can eat them at their best state.

How about if it also has network communication ability? I think the interesting thing about it is not that the oven can be controlled remotely. However, maybe it so has the real-time analyzing ability. It is like auto-driving training. If we can have a lot of the electric oven cooking data, then we probably know how to cook the best food. Solving the auto-driving problem is too hard, however solving the auto-cooking problem is not that hard.

Auto Washer, Auto Dryer

We first want to get a programmable electric oven, then finally we get an auto electric oven. Similarly, we maybe get an auto washer, auto dryer etc. The washer and dryer only retain a button – the start button. Just like the mobile phone, the start button and the volume button, though the latter is not necessary.

Regarding the auto washer, no matter how many clothes you put into it, no matter what the clothing material they are, the auto washer will use a suitable amount of water, a suitable amount of time and a suitable program to do its best to clean them up.

Regarding the auto dryer, no matter how many clothes you put into it, no matter how wet the clothes are, the auto dryer will use a suitable amount of time and use a suitable level of heat to do its best to dry them up.

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