Will The Future Be Better?


This blog post was translated by Mistral

I wish everyone a healthy and happy 2020! Here’s a video of memories from the past decade and a poem for you, to share with you. I’m grateful for every encounter, every conversation, every dinner. Life is ultimately solitary, so I’m thankful for every friend, relative, and colleague who has accompanied me. In the video, my girlfriend also makes an appearance, hehe. Here are some recent thoughts of mine.

The world is all about talking about technology and catching the future, but I’m longing for the primitive and the fields instead.

Humanity is struggling to move forward, but the world wouldn’t be any less if it had stayed the same ten years ago. people pursue endless wealth, turning earth’s natural resources into money, leaving behind a planet with only money and garbage for future generations.

Capitalism, making some people work hard while others are unemployed.

After countless years of advanced technology and intelligent people, our lives are becoming increasingly difficult.

We thought our truth was real and beautiful, but in the end, it was just one lie and scam after another.

Unconcerned, we find ourselves trapped in one bubble after another. We have met various kinds of friends, in the end we found they were all the same as us.

We used to think so highly of ourselves, in the end we were all ordinary people.

We used to be so concerned about others’ impressions of us, in the end no one really cared.

We thought no one cared, but our friends’ concern still warmed us up.

The trivial things in our ignored lives hide the secrets of the natural world.1. The more we desire to obtain something, the more the results often turn out to be contrary to our wishes.

The more we simply do things without any other motives, the more we end up getting what we originally wanted.

The more eager we are to fall in love and get married, the less likely we are to have a match made in heaven.

We think changing objects will make us better, but we still end up loving and hating each other.

The more we don’t care about the means and hurry to make money, the more we are defeated by reality. We desperately seek the best way to make money, and in the end, we find the easiest way to make money is by saving.

The more people don’t want success, the more they are seen as successful by others.

The more materially simple and modest a person is, the kinder and more selfless they are.

We desperately seek the meaning of life, yet we ultimately find that there is no meaning at all.

People think I’m poor and hapless, but I no longer want to compromise my principles to make the greatest profit.1. We think pigs, cows, sheep, and horses are foolish and pitiful, yet our lives are not much better.

We feel our lives are filled with restrictive shackles, unaware that our spirits are also shackled.

We see people in prison as fallen and tragic, yet they may understand life more than those outside.

What we long for in our dreams ultimately turns out to be ordinary.

Those we revere for their power and genius, in the end, are not so different from us. We trudge through mountains and wade through waters, only to find truth right in front of us, if only we have the courage to see it.

We thought we understood the world, but we were merely droplets of water in comparison to its depths.

Most of life doesn’t force us to do this or that, yet we pile up issues and complications upon ourselves.

People may call us proactive, ambitious, and hardworking, but deep down it’s just fear and anxiety driving us.

We use accomplishments to prove ourselves, yet our inner insecurities remain unquenched. We long to be the smartest, but ultimately find that we lack only courage, sincerity, and purity.

We long for noise and revelry, but discover that it is only a group of people’s loneliness.

We thought our geniuses were exceptional, but in the end, we find that they experienced the same extremes of joy or sorrow in life.

As we grow older, we increasingly yearn to return to childhood, with its carefree and simple happiness.

People think emperors are kind and comfortable, but they don’t know about the heavy burden of bureaucracy, the difficulty of managing ministers, the inescapable palace life, almost spending their entire lives within the walls.1. The more pessimistic we are about the world, the happier we eventually find ourselves.

The more unique and against the flow we are, the more accepting and loving we become of this world.

We thought society and life were like this, but when we went to another country, we found there were such people and ways of living.

We thought big events in society and life mattered, but people in other countries knew nothing about them.

We thought some things couldn’t be done or couldn’t be had, but in the end, it was just a matter of obsession. We thought changing our occupation would make things better, we tried raising horses, chopping wood, traveling around the world, but ultimately found loneliness and emptiness still followed.

Everything will disappear into the river of history, from then on, loving life, caring for the environment, living frugally, and enriching our spirits. Living is so simple, why do we make it so complicated (Jon Jandai)

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