Five Principles For Rapid Growth


This blog post was translated by Mistral

1. Be bold, take the initiative

Maintaining a bold and courageous heart is crucial. The prerequisite for doing anything is to have the courage to start. Don’t be afraid of writing articles that aren’t good, coding that isn’t good, drawing that isn’t good, not being able to manage, or not being able to organize, so don’t do it. Any skill is learned step by step, and everyone is bad at the beginning. Therefore, be bold and persistent, continuously improving, believing that perseverance will lead to mastery, and continuing to work hard will eventually make you better than most.1. Fearless Advance

Don’t be afraid of others’ criticism or indifference. We haven’t stolen or robbed anything, we just lack good work. Don’t be afraid if they don’t acknowledge us or add us on WeChat, we just want to meet and learn from them. Don’t be afraid if this cooperation doesn’t work out, we can try another one. With a fearless heart, continue to persist, you will always find thousands or even millions of people appreciating your work. So, stay fearless.

2. Marching Forward with the Cows

Make every effort to find the most outstanding people in your field and advance together with them. It’s not difficult to find a batch of people in your field with some effort. From various social media, public information online, ask your friends to bring you into industry groups, ask them if they know any outstanding people, and if they can introduce you to them for dinner. Participate in activities, get to know the guests and add them on WeChat, most guests are willing to do so.

Although there are millions of fans for first-line stars, they are difficult to approach, but relatively speaking, the outstanding people in various industries, their fame is not as high, and you can still find a way to approach them. In this way, your friend circle will open up to people you admire and respect, making it difficult for you not to become better. Then try to communicate with them, and gradually, you will find that a few outstanding people have become your familiar friends. Believe that you can always find a few of them.

Personally, I have had the opportunity to encounter Alibaba experts and billionaire entrepreneurs in my programming novice stage and my entrepreneurial novice stage, and I have often communicated with them. Many ways of handling people and attitudes that cannot be learned online need to be observed and learned in real life. So, communicate more with outstanding people, learn from their most brilliant traits.1. Frequently seeking help from friends

Modern society is a cooperative one. To do something well, it is inevitable to gather various forces to accomplish it together. For instance, as an engineer, you should know how to seek help from friends or technical communities when encountering difficult problems. Friends are a bother. You help me and I help you, making friends more and more numerous and relationships more and more harmonious. Everyone may be busy and may not have time to gather and play together frequently, but if we can cooperate to complete a project or solve a problem, it not only maintains friendship, but also achieves something, a win-win situation.

There are many people in the crowd who are afraid to bother their friends, and I used to be one of them. I used to solve problems on my own most of the time. In reality, however, friends’ circles are interactive, and there are exchanges in life, all of which are potential helpers. Posting a friend circle seeking help is also very good, as those who can help will do so voluntarily, and those who are busy or unable to help will not be bothered.

In reality, most people are willing to help others, even strangers. At the entrance of Alibaba Group on Saturdays, you can ask anyone if they have time to accompany you on a tour, and you can find a sister who will spend half an hour with you. In various WeChat groups, there will also be people who help you. So, be bold and seek help in various ways, and remember to thank the other person.

5. Willing to share

In a cooperative society, sharing is an important virtue. Sharing not only refers to material things, but also knowledge and experiences. Sharing not only brings benefits to the sharer, but also to the receiver. For example, when you encounter a difficult problem, you can share it with your friends or colleagues, and they may have encountered the same problem and have a solution. This not only saves you time and effort, but also deepens your relationship with them.

Moreover, sharing knowledge and experiences can help promote personal growth. When you share your knowledge and experiences with others, you not only help them, but also deepen your own understanding of the subject matter. In addition, sharing can also help to build a sense of community and foster a culture of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Furthermore, sharing can also bring happiness. When you share something with others, you not only make them happy, but also make yourself happy. Sharing can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. For example, when you are feeling down, you can share your feelings with a friend, and their support and encouragement can help to lift your spirits.

In conclusion, seeking help and sharing are important virtues in modern society. By seeking help from others and sharing knowledge and experiences, we can not only accomplish more, but also deepen relationships and promote personal growth. So, be bold and seek help, and be generous in sharing.1. A simple way to bypass a firewall, a lengthy summary of experiences, all can be shared with others. Firstly, for instance, writing articles clearly expressing thoughts can give you more ideas. Since the process of writing involves pondering and coming up with more ideas. Secondly, feedback from others can promote more sharing. Sharing is also a form of communication, and the communication process generates more valuable thoughts.

This is also a method to build trust, as more friends understand and know you, then they can trust you. Without understanding, how can there be trust? Doing a tech talk can gain more geek friends. Writing about entrepreneurial experiences can gain more entrepreneur friends. Then, when you start a business, switch jobs, or encounter difficult problems, these friends will come to help you.

6. Use all your strength to grow.

When you’re about to give up or encounter unsolvable problems, seek help from every friend, consult every person, and ask for advice from netizens. When your product has no users, write promotional articles, advertise on all possible platforms, and promote your product.

There’s a saying, entrepreneurship may be difficult, but it’s not fundamentally different from other things: the reason you haven’t achieved it is the same: you haven’t given it your all. Use all your strength, use all the power that can help you. When you have such determination, even if you eventually fail, you will have walked a long, long way. These are the last 5 simple methods to make us more and more excellent, make friends more and more, and broaden our paths. When we become brave, take action, learn from the wise, are willing to share, help friends mutually, and have a firm heart, we only need to make time our friend, and the years will tell us the answer!

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