How To Hire People And Find Jobs


This blog post was translated by Mistral

I’m continuing from the previous article “How to Hire People.” Let’s get specific.

A friend asked me for a recommendation for an engineer today, but I didn’t post it on WeChat circles this time. I didn’t not post because I couldn’t, but because the effect wasn’t great. I asked if they had a group, if they had asked their first-degree connections, and if the boss had boosted the post to increase exposure. The friend replied that they had posted in some groups, but hadn’t received any responses, and their first-degree connections had spread the word, and the boss had also actively reached out. They mentioned that it was difficult to recruit now as everyone was stable at year-end.

I also realized that my energy is limited, and I can’t help everyone by asking my friends individually. Instead, I’ll tell everyone the methods and invest time in doing it themselves.1. When we recruit people, it’s natural to ask those around us first, checking our WeChat contacts.

After asking these people, if they’re all busy at work or have other things to do and show no interest, what should we do? When we post on our Moments, and no one responds, what should we do?

Recently, I’ve been using Moments quite a bit and chatting with some friends on WeChat. Generally speaking, everyone is busy with work and making money, so very few people have time for socializing and meeting new friends. Unless they’re good friends, most people won’t reply to private messages on WeChat.

Everyone has been using WeChat for many years, and our relationships have become fixed. We rarely meet new friends. We’ve been in society for a long time and have grown accustomed to working, so we don’t like socializing or meeting new friends anymore. In such a situation, how should we go about doing things, how should we make genuine friends and sincerely seek people out?

When we post recruitment introductions in groups, and no one responds, that’s normal. We can add friends individually in the group. When adding friends, write a remark, “I am an engineer at such-and-such company, a colleague, let’s exchange and communicate a bit.” When we get to know people in such a way, we should genuinely want to get to know and communicate with them, and sincerely hope to make friends with colleagues. Your sincerity and earnestness are important.1. When the other person sees this kind of message, there’s a probability they’ll accept it depending on who they are and their busy status.

We don’t want our intentions to be too obvious. For instance, we can’t just declare our intention to court a woman by proposing love at first sight, right? But when we approach people with the intention of making friends, we should genuinely want to make friends. This means caring about them, liking their posts on their friend circle, and not disturbing our friends.

After adding them as friends, how do we tell them about recruitment? In my previous article, I mentioned diligently introducing yourself and learning about others to establish cooperation.

Therefore, through friends, we can honestly say, friend, I added your WeChat in a certain group, we are both in the same field, my company is currently recruiting, I couldn’t find the right person and had the audacity to add you on the group to make friends, and at the same time, I asked if you’re looking for a job, please don’t mind.

Imagine receiving such a sincere message from someone, feeling their sincerity, would you not reply to them? After they have replied to you, you can act normally and chat with them as friends. You can ask them which company they work for, in which city, and if there are any colleagues looking for jobs nearby. We can also talk about what I do and what products I work on at my company, my technical background and experience, and send them my resume or company introduction.

After we have tried all these efforts, unfortunately, we did not achieve cooperation. However, there are still ways. You can ask if they have any professional groups or if they have the WeChat ID of their engineering colleagues and send them your business card or WeChat ID.

However, when they send you their business card, and you add them as a friend, it will show who recommended them, which may affect them. When you add them as a friend, they may see that someone recommended you, and if they don’t know you well, they may share your business card with others, making them unhappy, and violating their privacy.

So, what should we do? We want to make it our own thing while respecting every person.

At this time, you can let them send you their WeChat ID or take a screenshot of their WeChat homepage and send it to you. When you add them as a friend, you can honestly tell them that it was a friend who introduced you, but I’m sorry, I can’t reveal which friend it was. Our company is hiring, and I really can’t add you directly to ask about it.1. In this way, we try to consider everything from the other person’s perspective and think about their needs, to gain their trust.

In a group of over a hundred or even five hundred people, if we add each person, we can make many friends. This process is beneficial in the long run. Think about it, you have made many industry friends, although they were added by us, but when we pay attention and care for them, many of them can become long-term friends. Just like someone who added us on WeChat frequently gives us likes, or mentions us when they have good news, such a person I respect. Getting to know these industry friends, we can obtain a lot of industry information, and seek more cooperation and opportunities.

In the past, I found that many friends I added were deleted by them, so I no longer actively add people, feeling it’s not right. However, the key is not about actively adding others, but whether we genuinely befriend them. Do we truly treat them as friends, or use them? Do we treat them as my fans, or treat them equally as friends?

Now let’s talk about finding jobs. Finding a job follows the same logic. We should look for jobs based on our familiarity with our friends and our understanding of the industry and market. Here I’ll give an anonymous example. A high school classmate recently graduated from her master’s degree and is looking for a user psychology research position. She sent out twenty resumes and had a few interviews, then felt finding a job was difficult.

I gave her advice, suggesting she apply to many recruitment platforms and broaden her job search to product manager or operations positions, etc. A user psychology research position is particularly narrow. Secondly, she should seek recommendations from seniors and acquaintances in relevant WeChat groups and meet many industry friends. Just like we hire people, we also find jobs by making many industry friends. We also find jobs by sincerely making friends. I have run a company before, and I have posted recruitment information on Boss Direct. Starting a company is really busy, and I hung the recruitment information there for a while without being in a hurry to recruit, so I received many resumes but didn’t process them. The same goes for many companies. Everyone is very busy.

There are also more direct methods. We post our resumes on our friend circles. If everyone is very familiar with you, just say in your friend circle that you are currently looking for a job and ask for recommendations. These methods work. However, at this time, we must pay special attention to whether we are sincerely looking for work.

I have also posted on my friend circle before that I was looking for a job, and many friends provided opportunities, asking me to come to their company for a trial, but I didn’t really want to go to their company, I had my preferred companies, and I found good opportunities on Boss Direct. So, this will disappoint friends. They extended invitations, they thought they had a good relationship with you, they genuinely wanted to work with you, but you didn’t treat them the same way.

Therefore, many times when dealing with things, it’s better to chat one-on-one if possible, very precise. The key to precision is that it shows sincerity. If there’s no other way, start using exposure and conversion strategies.

When we have made many industry friends and obtained a lot of industry information by consulting many friends about how they found jobs, we will understand the market better, and we will know how others perceive us and what opportunities we are suitable for.mthis is a deal worth tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. How do we make such a deal? How do we make others believe us.

It depends on our own capabilities, on how hard we work to find jobs, and on our sincerity. This world is filled with a lot of information, and information is constantly flowing everywhere. We make friends sincerely and ask around, and this is how we obtain information about the world and understand it.

Some people have weak capabilities, but they still climb steps by jumping jobs. This cannot be helped, to some extent, they have worked hard in obtaining information and facilitating transactions.

What do we do when we cannot find work using these methods? We look at our friends who have started businesses or our close acquaintances, and adjust our expectations. I can do anything and am willing to do anything, as long as I have a job. We should lower our attitude and we will indeed get more opportunities. Every job has something worth learning.

In recent years, I have also achieved many deals in starting businesses, and I have come to understand the thoughts of both parties in transactions better. Cooperation with people requires considering their best interests and always thinking of them.This is my experience on hiring people and finding jobs. In a nutshell, we approach with sincere intentions, make genuine friends, and genuinely seek to find a colleague or join a company, then we put in all our efforts. Consequently, we will definitely find one! Let’s go!

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