Limits and Edge Cases
Thinking about limits and edge cases is a good way to understand something.
Knowing the limits and edge cases of a person helps you understand how to collaborate with them or live with them.
Knowing the limits and edge cases of an API server helps you assess its security level and capabilities.
Knowing the limits and edge cases of an input field helps you determine whether it is secure and free from bugs.
Thinking about the limits and edge cases of an algorithm can improve efficiency and fix bugs.
The limit is about efficiency, maximum capacity, and resources. Edge cases are about minor or niche conditions.
The term “limit” is sometimes used to refer to edge cases, and edge cases are sometimes called limits.
Think about limits in terms of space, size, length, number, weight, derivatives, time, lifespan, energy, frequency, physical units, computer units, requests, frequency, rate limits, resources, CPU, memory, and computation capacity.
Consider edge cases in algorithms, code, hardware, math problems, large language models, APIs, systems, books, functionalities, or products.
Limits often involve numerical values or constraints, while edge cases are specific, often unusual, conditions.
Think about the limits of rendering lines of text in a browser. Is it feasible to handle one million lines? What are the constraints?
It says the projector can work at least 1.5 meters away. What will happen if it is closer?