The Isolation of Muting Notifications

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I just received a notification. The Midjourney founder just @mentioned me on a Discord channel.

I formed a habit long ago of muting almost all notifications. But now I realize this can make you feel quite isolated.

It’s 4:18 am in China right now. However, in the USA, it’s between 12 and 16 hours behind, making it between 4:18 pm and 12:18 pm on the other side of the earth.

So, this feels unusual. In China, it’s rare to receive messages or notifications late at night. However, as a night owl, I actually prefer getting notifications at this hour.

It gives me a USA feeling. I mostly use apps made outside of China, only needing JD for purchases and WeChat to communicate with family and a few peers. For maps, I recently switched to Apple Maps, which uses Gaode Maps (also known as Amap) as its underlying service.

The same goes for notifications. I’ve been muting too much and need to get back to a normal status. It’s fine not to mute everything.

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