Here are the lyrics to “いつも何度でも” (Always With Me) from the movie Spirited Away:
作詞: 覚 和歌子
作曲: 木村 弓
呼んでいる 胸のどこか奥で
いつも心 踊る夢を見たい
悲しみは 数えきれないけれど
その向こうできっと あなたに会える
繰り返すあやまちの そのたび 人は
ただ青い空の 青さを知る
この両手は 光を抱ける
さよならの時の 静かな胸
ゼロになるからだが 耳をすませる
生きている 不思議 死んでいく 不思議
花も風も街も みんな同じ
呼んでいる 胸のどこか奥で
いつも何度でも 夢を描こう
悲しみの数を 言い尽くすより
同じ唇で そっと歌おう
閉じていく 思い出の その中にいつも
忘れたくない ささやきを聞く
粉々に砕かれた 鏡の上にも
新しい景色が 映される
はじまりの朝の 静かな窓
ゼロになるからだ 充たされてゆけ
海の彼方には もう探さない
輝くものは いつもここに
わたしのなかに 見つけられたから
Here is a word-by-word explanation of the lyrics of “いつも何度でも” (“Always With Me”). Let’s go line by line and explore the meaning of each word:
呼んでいる 胸のどこか奥で
呼んでいる (yondeiru)
- 呼ぶ (yobu): To call, to summon.
- ている (teiru): Indicates a continuous or ongoing action (“calling”).
胸 (mune)
- Literal: Chest.
- Figurative: The heart or emotional core.
の (no)
- Possessive particle: “of.” Connects “胸” (heart) to “どこか奥” (somewhere deep).
どこか (dokoka)
- Somewhere, some place.
奥 (oku)
- Deep, inner part. Refers to something hidden or far inside.
で (de)
- Particle indicating location or means of action: “in” or “at.”
Translation: “Calling, deep within my heart.”
いつも心 踊る夢を見たい
いつも (itsumo)
- Always.
心 (kokoro)
- Heart, mind, spirit.
踊る (odoru)
- To dance.
夢 (yume)
- Dream.
を (wo)
- Object marker: Indicates “dream” is the direct object of the verb “見る.”
見たい (mitai)
- 見る (miru): To see, to look.
- たい (tai): Indicates a desire to do something (“want to see”).
Translation: “Always, I want to see dreams that make my heart dance.”
悲しみは 数えきれないけれど
悲しみ (kanashimi)
- Sadness, sorrow.
は (wa)
- Topic marker: Marks “悲しみ” as the subject.
数えきれない (kazoe kirenai)
- 数える (kazoeru): To count.
- きれない (kirenai): Unable to finish or complete. (“Countless.”)
けれど (keredo)
- However, but.
Translation: “There is countless sadness, but…”
その向こうできっと あなたに会える
その (sono)
- That, referring to something previously mentioned.
向こう (mukou)
- Beyond, on the other side.
で (de)
- Particle: Indicates location or place of action (“at” or “in”).
きっと (kitto)
- Surely, definitely.
あなた (anata)
- You.
に (ni)
- Particle: Indicates direction or target.
会える (aeru)
- 会う (au): To meet.
- える (eru): Potential form: “can meet.”
Translation: “Surely, beyond that, I can meet you.”
繰り返すあやまちの そのたび 人は
繰り返す (kurikaesu)
- To repeat, to do again.
あやまち (ayamachi)
- Mistake, error.
の (no)
- Possessive particle: “of.”
そのたび (sonotabi)
- Each time, whenever it happens.
人 (hito)
- Person, people.
は (wa)
- Topic marker.
Translation: “Each time people repeat their mistakes…”
ただ青い空の 青さを知る
ただ (tada)
- Just, merely.
青い空 (aoi sora)
- Blue sky.
- 青い (aoi): Blue.
- 空 (sora): Sky.
の (no)
- Possessive particle: “of.”
青さ (aosa)
- Blueness, the quality of being blue.
を (wo)
- Object marker.
知る (shiru)
- To know, to realize.
Translation: “They simply realize the blueness of the blue sky.”
果てしなく (hateshinaku)
- Endless, boundless.
道 (michi)
- Road, path.
は (wa)
- Topic marker.
続いて (tsuzuite)
- Continuing.
見える (mieru)
- To appear, to seem.
けれど (keredo)
- However, but.
Translation: “The road seems endless, but…”
この両手は 光を抱ける
この (kono)
- This.
両手 (ryoute)
- Both hands.
は (wa)
- Topic marker.
光 (hikari)
- Light.
を (wo)
- Object marker.
抱ける (dakero)
- 抱く (daku): To hold, to embrace.
- Potential form: “can hold.”
Translation: “These hands can hold the light.”
Continuing the word-by-word explanation of the lyrics:
さよならの時の 静かな胸
さよなら (sayonara)
- Goodbye, farewell.
の (no)
- Possessive particle: “of,” connecting “さよなら” (goodbye) to “時” (time).
時 (toki)
- Time, moment, occasion.
の (no)
- Another possessive particle, linking “時” (time) to “静かな胸” (quiet heart).
静かな (shizukana)
- Quiet, calm, peaceful (a na-adjective).
胸 (mune)
- Chest, figurative heart or emotions.
Translation: “The quiet heart at the time of farewell.”
ゼロになるからだが 耳をすませる
ゼロ (zero)
- Zero, nothingness.
になる (ni naru)
- To become.
からだ (karada)
- Body.
が (ga)
- Subject marker.
耳 (mimi)
- Ears.
を (wo)
- Object marker.
すませる (sumaseru)
- To listen carefully, to sharpen one’s hearing.
Translation: “The body that becomes zero listens intently.”
生きている 不思議 死んでいく 不思議
生きている (ikiteiru)
- To be alive, living.
不思議 (fushigi)
- Wonder, mystery.
死んでいく (shindeiku)
- To die, passing away (continuing form).
Translation: “The wonder of living, the wonder of dying.”
花も風も街も みんな同じ
花 (hana)
- Flower.
も (mo)
- Also, too.
風 (kaze)
- Wind.
街 (machi)
- Town, city.
みんな (minna)
- Everyone, all.
同じ (onaji)
- Same, alike.
Translation: “Flowers, wind, and towns—all are the same.”
呼んでいる 胸のどこか奥で
(Repeated lyrics; already explained above.)
いつも何度でも 夢を描こう
いつも (itsumo)
- Always.
何度でも (nando demo)
- No matter how many times, again and again.
夢 (yume)
- Dream.
を (wo)
- Object marker.
描こう (egakou)
- 描く (egaku): To draw, to imagine.
- Volitional form: “Let’s draw/imagine.”
Translation: “Always, no matter how many times, let’s imagine dreams.”
悲しみの数を 言い尽くすより
悲しみ (kanashimi)
- Sadness, sorrow.
の (no)
- Possessive particle: “of.”
数 (kazu)
- Count, number.
を (wo)
- Object marker.
言い尽くす (iitsukusu)
- To express completely, to say everything.
より (yori)
- Rather than, instead of.
Translation: “Rather than counting the number of sorrows…”
同じ唇で そっと歌おう
同じ (onaji)
- Same.
唇 (kuchibiru)
- Lips.
で (de)
- Particle: Indicates the means or tool (“with the same lips”).
そっと (sotto)
- Gently, softly.
歌おう (utao)
- 歌う (utau): To sing.
- Volitional form: “Let’s sing.”
Translation: “Let’s gently sing with the same lips.”
閉じていく 思い出の その中にいつも
閉じていく (tojiteiku)
- To close, to shut (gradually or continuously).
思い出 (omoide)
- Memories, recollections.
の (no)
- Possessive particle: “of.”
その (sono)
- That.
中 (naka)
- Inside.
に (ni)
- Particle: Indicates location or direction (“inside”).
いつも (itsumo)
- Always.
Translation: “Always, inside the closing memories…”
忘れたくない ささやきを聞く
忘れたくない (wasuretakunai)
- 忘れる (wasureru): To forget.
- たくない (takunai): Negative desire form: “don’t want to forget.”
ささやき (sasayaki)
- Whisper, murmur.
を (wo)
- Object marker.
聞く (kiku)
- To hear, to listen.
Translation: “I hear whispers I don’t want to forget.”
粉々に砕かれた 鏡の上にも
粉々に (konagona ni)
- Into pieces, shattered.
砕かれた (kudakareta)
- 砕く (kudaku): To smash, to break.
- Passive past form: “was shattered.”
鏡 (kagami)
- Mirror.
の (no)
- Possessive particle: “of.”
上 (ue)
- On, above.
にも (ni mo)
- Also on.
Translation: “Even on the shattered pieces of the mirror…”
新しい景色が 映される
新しい (atarashii)
- New.
景色 (keshiki)
- Scenery, landscape.
が (ga)
- Subject marker.
映される (utsusareru)
- 映す (utsusu): To reflect.
- Passive form: “is reflected.”
Translation: “A new scenery is reflected.”
はじまりの朝の 静かな窓
はじまり (hajimari)
- Beginning, start.
の (no)
- Possessive particle: “of.”
朝 (asa)
- Morning.
静かな (shizukana)
- Quiet, calm, peaceful.
窓 (mado)
- Window.
Translation: “The quiet window of a new morning.”
ゼロになるからだ 充たされてゆけ
ゼロ (zero)
- Zero, nothingness.
になる (ni naru)
- To become.
からだ (karada)
- Body.
充たされてゆけ (mitasarete yuke)
- 充たす (mitasu): To fill, to satisfy.
- Passive form: “is filled.”
- ゆけ (yuke): Command form, indicating continuation.
Translation: “Let the body that becomes zero be filled.”
海の彼方には もう探さない
海 (umi)
- Sea, ocean.
の (no)
- Possessive particle: “of.”
彼方 (kanata)
- Beyond, far away.
に (ni)
- Particle: Indicates location (“in” or “to”).
は (wa)
- Topic marker.
もう (mou)
- No longer, already.
探さない (sagasanai)
- 探す (sagasu): To search.
- Negative form: “do not search.”
Translation: “No longer will I search beyond the sea.”
輝くものは いつもここに
輝く (kagayaku)
- To shine, to sparkle.
もの (mono)
- Thing.
は (wa)
- Topic marker.
いつも (itsumo)
- Always.
ここに (koko ni)
- Here, in this place.
Translation: “The shining things are always here.”
わたしのなかに 見つけられたから
わたし (watashi)
- I, me.
のなか (no naka)
- Inside (of me).
に (ni)
- Particle: Indicates location.
見つけられた (mitsukerareta)
- 見つける (mitsukeru): To find.
- Passive past form: “was found.”
から (kara)
- Because, since.
Translation: “Because they were found inside me.”