Frontend Engineer Interview

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Starting with HTML:

  1. Semantic Tags: Understand and use <article>, <section>, <header>, <footer>, <nav>.

  2. Forms: Implement validation, handle <input>, <textarea>, <select>, <button>.

  3. Tables: Create accessible tables with <table>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>.

  4. Metadata: Use <meta> tags for charset, viewport, and SEO.

  5. Links and Anchors: Understand <a> tags, href, target, and download attributes.

  6. Media Elements: Use <img>, <video>, <audio> correctly with attributes like src, alt, controls.

  7. Lists: Create ordered <ol> and unordered <ul> lists, including nested lists.

  8. Headings: Use proper heading hierarchy <h1> to <h6>.

  9. Embedding Content: Use <iframe>, <embed>, and <object> for embedding external content.

  10. HTML5 APIs: Familiarity with Geolocation, Web Storage, and Fetch API.

Now, CSS:

  1. Box Model: Understand margin, padding, border, and how they affect layout.

  2. Flexbox: Master alignment, wrapping, and ordering with Flexbox properties.

  3. Grid Layout: Create complex layouts using CSS Grid.

  4. Responsive Design: Use media queries, viewport meta tag, and responsive images.

  5. CSS Preprocessors: Knowledge of Sass, Less, or Stylus syntax and features.

  6. CSS-in-JS: Understand frameworks like styled-components or emotion.

  7. Animation and Transitions: Implement smooth transitions and keyframe animations.

  8. Styling Forms: Customize form elements and improve their appearance.

  9. CSS Reset and Normalize: Know when and why to use them.

  10. CSS Grid vs Flexbox: Understand the differences and choose the right tool for the job.


  1. ES6+ Features: Use arrow functions, destructuring, spread/rest operators, and template literals.

  2. DOM Manipulation: Select elements, modify the DOM, and handle events.

  3. Asynchronous JavaScript: Understand Promises, async/await, and fetch API.

  4. Event Loop: Explain how the event loop works in JavaScript.

  5. Closures: Understand and use closures effectively.

  6. Prototypal Inheritance: Explain how prototypal inheritance works in JavaScript.

  7. Modules: Use ES6 modules with import and export.

  8. Error Handling: Use try/catch blocks and understand unhandled promise rejections.

  9. JavaScript Performance: Optimize code for better performance.

  10. Browser Console: Use browser developer tools for debugging.


  1. React.js: Understand components, JSX, state, props, and hooks.

  2. Vue.js: Understand Vue instance, directives, components, and reactivity.

  3. Angular: Understand components, services, dependency injection, and routing.

  4. State Management: Use Redux, Vuex, or Context API for state management.

  5. Routing: Implement client-side routing with React Router, Vue Router, etc.

  6. Component-Based Architecture: Understand and implement reusable components.

  7. Lifecycle Methods: Know React lifecycle methods or Vue hooks.

  8. UI Libraries: Use libraries like Bootstrap, Tailwind, or Material-UI.

  9. Testing Frameworks: Write tests with Jest, Jasmine, or Cypress.

  10. Build Tools: Use Webpack, Babel, or Parcel for building projects.

Tools and Version Control:

  1. Git: Use git for version control, including branching, merging, and rebasing.

  2. npm/yarn: Manage project dependencies and scripts.

  3. Package.json: Understand scripts, dependencies, and devDependencies.

  4. Task Runners: Use Gulp or Grunt for automating tasks.

  5. Linting: Use ESLint or Prettier for code quality.

  6. Browsersync: Use for live reloading during development.

  7. Figma/Adobe XD: Understand design handoff and collaborate with designers.

  8. API Integration: Fetch data from RESTful or GraphQL APIs.

  9. Environment Variables: Manage environment-specific configurations.

  10. Continuous Integration: Set up CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions or Jenkins.

Performance Optimization:

  1. Code Splitting: Implement code splitting with Webpack or dynamic imports.

  2. Lazy Loading: Lazy load images, components, and scripts.

  3. Minification: Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files.

  4. Caching Strategies: Use HTTP caching headers and service workers.

  5. Image Optimization: Compress and optimize images for web use.

  6. Critical CSS: Inline critical CSS for faster page loads.

  7. Web Performance Metrics: Understand Lighthouse, GTmetrix, and PageSpeed Insights.

  8. Font Loading: Optimize font loading with WebFont Loader or self-hosting.

  9. Avoiding Render-Blocking Resources: Ensure scripts and styles don’t block rendering.

  10. Performance Budgets: Set and adhere to performance budgets.


  1. ARIA Roles: Use ARIA roles, states, and properties for better accessibility.

  2. Semantic HTML: Choose semantic elements to improve accessibility.

  3. Alt Text for Images: Provide meaningful alt text for images.

  4. Keyboard Navigation: Ensure the site is navigable with keyboard only.

  5. Color Contrast: Use tools to check and improve color contrast.

  6. Screen Reader Testing: Test with screen readers like NVDA or VoiceOver.

  7. Focus Management: Ensure proper focus management on interactive elements.

  8. Accessibility Guidelines: Follow WCAG 2.1 guidelines.

  9. Form Accessibility: Use labels, placeholders, and validation correctly.

  10. EPub and AODA Compliance: Understand basic compliance standards.

Best Practices:

  1. Code Organization: Maintain clean and modular code structures.

  2. Documentation: Write clear documentation for components and APIs.

  3. Cross-Browser Testing: Test on multiple browsers and devices.

  4. Progressive Enhancement: Build sites that work for all users, regardless of browser support.

  5. Security: Prevent XSS attacks, use Content Security Policy, and secure APIs.

  6. SEO Best Practices: Optimize for search engines with meta tags, headings, and alt text.

  7. Versioning: Use semantic versioning for libraries and dependencies.

  8. Collaboration Tools: Use GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket for team collaboration.

  9. Code Reviews: Participate in code reviews and provide constructive feedback.

  10. Learning Resources: Stay updated with MDN, blogs, and online courses.

Advanced Topics:

  1. WebSockets: Implement real-time communication with WebSockets.

  2. PWA (Progressive Web Apps): Understand service workers, offline support, and push notifications.

  3. Canvas and SVG: Create graphics with Canvas and SVG elements.

  4. CSS Grid and Flexbox Layouts: Implement complex layouts with CSS Grid and Flexbox.

  5. Custom Elements: Create custom HTML elements with Web Components.

  6. Shadow DOM: Understand and use Shadow DOM for encapsulation.

  7. CSS Variables: Use custom properties for theming and dynamic styles.

  8. JavaScript Design Patterns: Implement design patterns like Singleton, Observer, and Factory.

  9. Internationalization (i18n): Implement language support and localization.

  10. Performance Profiling: Use tools like Chrome DevTools for profiling JavaScript and DOM performance.

Cross-Disciplinary Skills:

  1. User Experience (UX): Understand UX principles and collaborate with UX designers.

  2. User Interface (UI): Create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.

  3. Project Management: Use Agile methodologies, Scrum, or Kanban for project management.

  4. Communication Skills: Effectively communicate with team members and stakeholders.

  5. Problem-Solving: Approach problems methodically and find optimal solutions.

  6. Adaptability: Quickly learn and adapt to new technologies and tools.

  7. Team Collaboration: Work well in a team, share knowledge, and mentor others.

  8. Time Management: Prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

  9. Creativity: Bring creative solutions to design and coding challenges.

  10. Passion for Learning: Stay curious and continuously improve your skills.

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