Phone Searching and Music

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Phone Searching

Before dinner, I lost my iPhone 14 Pro Max in my house. First, I tried to use my third phone, an iPhone X. While writing this sentence, I noticed that I have to refer to my iPhone as the iPhone 14 Pro Max, as I now have two iPhones after I started using three phones.

So, I used the iPhone X to call my iPhone 14 Pro Max. I used giffgaff, a UK SIM card, to make the call. Therefore, I had to add +86 to call my Chinese phone number.

However, the iPhone 14 Pro Max didn’t respond. We live in an apartment community that is surrounded by mountains. Sometimes, the signal from China Telecom is not good. I have also found that the 4G signal from China Telecom is often better than the 5G signal. So, I switched to using the 4G signal on my iPhone 14 Pro Max.

Since my iPhone 14 Pro Max was probably using 4G, I thought it was likely in an area with a poor signal. But in my bedroom and other normal places, there is usually a signal.

After thinking a bit, I yelled, “Hey Siri.” Oh, it responded to me. Then I tried again. Based on the volume level, I found it in the depths of my intertwined quilt. Awesome!

In retrospect, I could have found the Bluetooth signal or Wi-Fi signal of my phone. In the iOS app, one can use BT Inspector. Or I could have checked the router to see.

Writing this, I realized that my previous analysis had a problem. Actually, my iPhone 14 Pro Max didn’t use 4G today. When at home, I normally use Wi-Fi.


After dinner, I went to the bathroom to clean myself. Using a portable Bluetooth speaker, I listened to my music through my third phone’s YouTube music list.

There is a door in the bathroom separating the sink and shower areas. The door is not totally closed and doesn’t reach the ceiling. So, I put the Bluetooth speaker on top of the door. It works well.

I sang for some time while having a shower. As I am about to turn 30 years old, I still need the passion to feel free.

In the past year, I somehow forgot to let myself enjoy music more often. I need to listen to them as some of them are still touching my soul.

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