Complex Regular Expressions Are Just Paper Tigers


Recently, while researching HTML parsing, encountered a regular expression:

/([\w-:\*>]*)(?:\#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+))?(?:\[@?(!?[\w-:]+)(?:([!*^$]?=)["']?(.*?)["']?)?\])?([\/, ]+)/is

It is used to match CSS selectors, such as div > ul.

In the past, I instinctively shied away from such complex expressions. Today, let’s thoroughly understand it! Sometimes you have to push yourself to the limit!

Matching div > ul

I found a website,, that allows online matching and provides explanations.

Although the explanations on the right help clarify some aspects, the specifics of matching aren’t entirely clear. Let’s analyze a few examples.

The code that uses this regular expression is:

$matches = [];
preg_match_all($this->pattern, trim($selector).' ', $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

preg_match_all is used to get all the strings that match the pattern. For example:

preg_match_all("abc", "abcdabc", $matches)

The first parameter is the pattern, the second parameter is the string to be matched, and the third parameter is the result reference. After running, the matches array will contain two abc.

With this understanding, the div > ul in the example matches the first four characters div >. regex101 does not support preg_match_all directly, but adding the g modifier will achieve this:

By adding g, it matches all occurrences instead of stopping at the first match.

With the g modifier, we matched div > ul:

On the right, it shows that the first match, div, is matched by the first group rule, and the space ` ` is matched by the seventh group rule.

Let’s look at the explanation for the first group rule:

In this long expression, the first set of parentheses is the first group rule. This is a capturing group. Parentheses do not match themselves but are used for grouping. [] indicates a character set, and the rules inside define what characters can be matched. This character set includes:

[\w-:\*>]* with the trailing * means the preceding characters can appear zero or more times, matching as many as possible. It matches div because \w matches d, i, v. It stops at the space because the space is not in the set []. Capturing groups mean this match will appear in the result array. There are also non-capturing groups, denoted by (?:). For example, ([\w-:\*>]*) can be written as (?:[\w-:\*>]*) if you don’t need the match result.

Why use parentheses if not capturing? Parentheses are used for grouping, which is still meaningful. Refer to What is a non-capturing group? (?:) - StackOverflow.

After understanding how div matches the first group rule, let’s see why the space ` ` matches the seventh group rule.

[\/, ] means it matches any of these four characters, and + means one or more occurrences, matching as many as possible. The space matches because it is included. The next character after div is >, so it stops matching the seventh group rule.

Now we understand how div is matched. Why don’t groups 2 to 6 match the space, leaving it to group 7?

The second part explanation:

First, (?:) indicates a non-capturing group, and the trailing ? means it can appear zero or one time. (?:\#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+))? can be present or absent. Removing the outermost ?:?, we have \#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+), and the | means “or,” matching either part. \#([\w-]+) matches # followed by other characters. \.([\w-]+) matches . followed by other characters.

Groups 2 to 6 are not matched because the space does not satisfy the initial characters of these groups. With the ? modifier, they can be absent, so it moves to group 7.

Next, div > ul after the > works the same way:

The first group rule ([\w-:\*>]*) matches >, and the seventh group rule ([\/, ]+) matches the space. Then ul matches like div.

Matching #answer-4185009 > table > tbody > td.answercell > div > pre

Now let’s look at a more complex selector #answer-4185009 > table > tbody > td.answercell > div > pre (you can paste it into to test):

This was copied from Chrome:

The first match:

The first group rule ([\w-:\*>]*) does not match #, so it matches zero times. The second group rule explanation:

The | means “or.” The part before the | is \#([\w-]+), where \# matches # and [\w-]+ matches answer-4185009. The second part, \.([\w-]+), would match if it were .answer-4185009.

Now for td.answercell:

The first group rule ([\w-:\*>]*) matches td, and the second part (?:\#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+))? matches .answercell because of the ..

Matching a[href=""]

Now let’s match the selector a[href=""]:

The third part of the expression is:

The third part is (?:\[@?(!?[\w-:]+)(?:([!*^$]?=)["']?(.*?)["']?)?\])?. The outermost (?:) indicates a non-capturing group, and the trailing ? means it can appear zero or one time. Removing (?:)?, we have \[@?(!?[\w-:]+)(?:([!*^$]?=)["']?(.*?)["']?)?\]. \[, [ matches [. @? means @ is optional. The group (!?[\w-:]+) matches href. The next part (?:([!*^$]?=)["']?(.*?)["']?) is a non-capturing group, so removing (?:)?, we have ([!*^$]?=)["']?(.*?)["']?. ([!*^$]?=) means [!*^$]? matches zero or one of !, *, ^, or $, followed by =. ["']?(.*?)["']? matches "", where ["']? matches optional " or '. Removing ["']?, we have (.*?), which matches The *? modifier means match as few as possible, ensuring that " or ' is left for the next part. So the selector a[href=""] is fully matched.


Finally understood! The complex expression ([\w-:\*>]*)(?:\#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+))?(?:\[@?(!?[\w-:]+)(?:([!*^$]?=)["']?(.*?)["']?)?\])?([\/, ]+) consists of four main parts:

The most complex third part has smaller components:

These smaller parts can be tackled individually. By analyzing multiple examples and using the explanations from, we can understand this seemingly complex regular expression. It turns out to be just a paper tiger!

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