The Journey of Reversing Myopia Naturally

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Besides three papers about reversing myopia, I want to share more about this discovery story.

Li, Zhiwei. (Jun 2023). Experimental Verification of the Natural Vision Restoration Method. Zhiwei’s Blog. Web. PDF.

Li, Zhiwei. (Jun 2023). Astigmatism in Reversing Myopia. Zhiwei’s Blog. Web. PDF.

Li, Zhiwei. (Nov 2024). Natural Vision Restoration: The Principle of ‘Just Barely Clear’. Zhiwei’s Blog. Web. PDF.


As reversing myopia naturally is kind of slow, just like losing weight. In my 3 years of experience (from February 2022 to January 2025), I achieved the following:

Time Left Eye Myopia Left Eye Astigmatism Right Eye Myopia Right Eye Astigmatism Correct Vision
2022.03.05 -3.50 -2.25 -5.75 -1.75 1.0
2022.11.13 -3.25 -2.00 -5.50 -1.75 0.9
2023.04.20 -3.00 -1.25 -5.00 -1.25 1.0
2024.01.07 -3.00 -1.00 -4.75 -1.25 0.9
2024.11.28 -2.50 -1.00 -4.25 -1.25 0.9

Let’s use Python to draw a paragraph about it.


So, you need to be patient about it.

Do the Right Thing, Results Will Happen

As long as you do the right thing, results will happen. Just like losing weight, eating very little and playing sports often will help you lose weight. If you lose 1 kg every month, then one year you will lose 12 kg.

Similarly, in learning, if we study 10 hours a day, then one year it amounts to 3,650 hours.

The good news for reversing myopia is that there is nothing hard about it that you cannot persist with. It just requires you to see a mobile phone or computer screen barely clearly.

This is a better and more comfortable way to proceed. The cost of using the correct method is that I need to prepare another pair of eyeglasses with full prescriptions to drive, see views while traveling, and watch movies in theaters.

Those times in life are actually just a small part, like at most 2 hours in a day, with the remaining 15 hours being awake.

Don’t Settle, Continue to Improve

In the first year, my primary activity involved computer work, during which I wore glasses with a 1.50 diopter reduction. This setup allowed me to frequently experience the “just barely clear” state, where vision was sufficiently clear without being overly sharp. However, in the second year, as I shifted my focus to studying for my associate degree at home, I reduced my computer usage and primarily relied on my mobile phone for reading materials and exercises.

After talking with a friend, I started to learn about bifocal lenses and multifocal progressive lenses. I even learned terms like segment height, segment position, and working distance for vision.

It required a lot of experimentation. Grasping the principle, the solutions can vary—from a plain +1.50D addition to the prescription, to a +2.00D addition, and then using multifocal progressive lenses to help. There are still ways to improve.

After ChatGPT came out, there have been many improvements. A lot of smart people are thinking in that direction. In the real world, there are many use cases and more real problems to solve.

For reversing myopia, it is exactly the same. Older people use presbyopia lenses.

Share to the Urgently Needy

Though I shared my reversing myopia article on the WeChat Subscription Platform in June 2023, in December 2024, I received a reply from someone who claimed his 12-year-old kid was frustrated with his myopia degree of 500, that is, -5.00. When I was 12, I thought I had just begun to wear glasses for myopia with a degree of -2.00.

As the truth or discovery is less known to people, only those in urgent need want to try this. This reversing myopia method, probably first introduced by Todd Becker in 2014, will become popular one day.

There are no negative effects of the new adjustment method. Additionally, more and more people will develop myopia, and their myopia degrees will become larger and larger.

Does a Conspiracy Exist in the Popularity of Myopia

People wearing full degrees of eyeglasses have caused their myopia to deepen. The myopia isn’t made by someone deliberately. It is just that human beings are not careful. It seems normal to wear full degrees to regain normal eyesight of 5.0, the eyesight of a child.

However, what human beings don’t know is that they use them to look at near objects. The people who invented multifocal progressive lenses or vision testers knew a lot about how the eye or myopia works.

So, the improvement here is just that we categorize how we use our eyes. We observe that human beings nowadays are mostly using phones or computers. And it doesn’t matter that we see things far away vaguely in daily life.

The point is that most of the time, our eyes can clearly see the objects we want to view. If we move objects about 10 cm farther away, they become unclear. This indicates that we are using our eyes correctly.

How to Find New Discoveries Again

Try to observe and learn more on the Internet. Be careful of minor opinions. Try experimenting by yourself.

There are a lot of improvements in life. After the truth was found, it seems obvious. People just haven’t thought about it before. Steve Jobs surely understood it. Steve Jobs’ “Think Different” campaign is good.

More Confident to Improve the World

With so many people wearing glasses, whenever I see people wearing them - whether offline or online - I recognize there’s room for improvement in this area.

Their eyeglasses are too strong for viewing mobile phones or computers, which will cause their myopia to progressively worsen.

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